Kuramae nyuyo (蔵前入用)

Kuramae nyuyo was one of the three major taxes called Takagakari Sanyaku that were imposed on the direct control territories of the Edo bakufu (Shogunal demesne) during Edo period. The revenue from this tax subsidized the expense of maintenance and management of bakufu okura (rice storehouses of the Edo shogunate) such as the Asakusa okura where nengu (land tax) from direct control territories were delivered to.

In 1689, the tax rate was one bu (a quarter of one ryo) of gold per 100 koku (measure of rice) of Muradaka (total yields of a village) in Kanto region and 15 monme of silver per 100 koku of Muradaka in Kamigata (Kyoto and Osaka) area, and these orders were made official by the kanjo bugyo (commissioner of finance) five years later in 1694. However, the inn towns located along Go-kaido Road (five major roads used for travel) and Wakiokan (main roads other than Gokaido Road), as well as villages that had a duty of sukego (labor service which was imposed to the neighboring village of the inn towns) were waived from the tax. After 1756, the districts with poor crop yields below 50% were also exempt, but in principle this tax system of 1694 had survived for 182 years into the Meiji Period, until it was abolished in 1872.

[Original Japanese]